Sunday, November 1, 2015

How to Go Trick or Treating as a Teen

Step 1: Make sure that it's Halloween.

Other wise, it will be really awkward.

Step 2: Get a friend who is willing to go trick or treating with you.

A friend who is not going to trick or treat is a friend who has already lost their childhood. Make sure that you have a friend who is willing to be a child once more.

Step 3: Have costumes at the ready

One of you will have to be a ghost figure out between which one of you will be the responsible one and which one would be the cute factor.

Step 4: The Ghost

The ghost in this operation will pretend to be a little kid in a bed sheet ghost. Grab some bed sheets that neither of you care about and then cut some holes in them. These holes will serve as your eyes.

Step 5: The "Responsible" One

As the "responsible" one, you have to present the ghost of your little brother / sister or your little niece / nephew. Make sure that they are able to also get some candy because double the candy I mean am I right?

Step 6: Presentation

The presentation of this trick is to make sure that you and your friend get Halloween candy without going to look frowned upon as you are both teenagers. Present the one who is the "responsible" one as the uncle / aunt / older brother / older sister. The one playing the ghost will make sure that they act as cute as possible and as childy / toddlery as possible. They must be crouching down so that they seem tiny once given the candy then they'll stand up and both the shall either run away or have a good laugh with the person who gave out the candy.

Step 7: GET THE CANDY!!!!

Go trick or treating and have a happy Halloween.


  1. "willing to be a child once more." #stolen

    I think I've lost my childhood

  2. "Make sure that it's Halloween.

    Other wise, it will be really awkward."
    Haha that was a great first line

  3. Oh my gosh this is hilarious and genius.
