Sunday, November 15, 2015

Heart and soul

Can you hear that? That's called a heart beat, It's what helps that wonderful idiot work.

You're standing there in the aisles between the food and the clothes. There it is, that one toy that you want. You're heart goes faster that belief
"Mom!!! Mom!!! Can I get it!!??"
"We'll see okay son?"

You never got the toy, you forgot about it once you see the cereal

You're standing there, eyes meet from across the play ground. There he is you're best friend. You run across to get the best of high fives that'll rule all high fives.

Well that hurt.

You see him talking to her. You start to wonder why you're in the room with them.
You question if all of this is your fault.
He leaves, you comfort her.
"It's okay mom. It'll be fine. He just needs to cool down for a bit."

You see her standing there. With some other guy, wondering if she noticed you yet. Here she comes act natural.
Crap you're stuttering while talking to her. This is not natural you idiot!!!

You're on the phone, telling her it's over.
Once you hang up, you go to her. You get held by her,
"Cry your eyes out, it'll be alright."
"Why does it hurt then mom?"

You see her. With someone else.

There's your friend from fifth grade. He used to be you're best friend. But time have changed you both.

You have a new best friend. She is nice, pretty, and beautiful.


You're with your best friend, watching a movie. An 80's movie. You put you're arm around her. She leans in... NAILED IT!!!

Excitement, joy, pain, infatuation, hurt, mending, love.

All of these are made possible by that wonderful idiot known as our hearts.