Saturday, November 7, 2015

Short story of sounds

I sent Vwin a picture saying something like sounds that every one enjoys. Here's the pic:
Any way she came up with this shirt story;

You move quietly through the trees, like a hunter stalking it's prey. The red and yellow leaves are still. The only sound is the occasional crunching of leaves on the forest floor, from a deer or a squirrel. You get to the gravel road you've been looking for. For a few minutes you wait at the treeline. Finally, the person you're tracking comes walking by. You watch through slitted eyes as he passes. He walks carelessly down the gravel road, his feet making a satisfying crunching sound. You follow silently through the trees nearby. Eventually, he gets to his destination- a crackling fire, tended to by few other people. They laugh and talk, and you wait patiently, not revealing yourself. At long last, they all sleep. This is your moment. You creep forward on silent feet to the tent of the man you've been following. Entering is easy and painless. He looks so peaceful, sleeping there, not a care in the world. The moonlight barely illuminates his sturdy features. Suddenly you swoop down. You clamp your hand over his mouth, and a split second later you twist his head sharply. The snap of his neck is deeply satisfying. That will teach him to mess with the likes of you. Just as quickly as you came, you leave the tent and disappear into the forest without a sound. Before you know it you're back at home, snuggling on the couch with your cat. She begins to purr contentedly. You feel the exact same way.

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