Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I Remember

I remember,

I remember when I first met her. She was wearing a blue sheet and jeans. He was right next to her. I remember our first date. How awkward it was, but I also remember the smile that it ended on.

I.remember how she would smile everyone we would hang out, just us. I remember her birthday party, how I feel out of the chair pretending to die, then almost dying.

I remember sleeping in her couch, heck I still do. It's a really comfy couch. I remember shopping with her. You got some shirts and I got another knife.

And I remember I asked her to close her eyes, and out minds have been aloof ever since.

I remember when and where we met math class, I hated him cause he was too happy.

I remember going to your house to fun Ragnorok. I remember when he and I first started driving, he was so scared for his life when I drove. I remember going on random adventures with him.

I remember when we tried out for the team, and we both got in. I remember Mama Mia Medley.

And I remember both of us crying our eyes out, when I didn't feel important, and when he broke up with her.

I remember these memories very well because it defines our relationships with each other. My relationship with my girlfriend Vwin, and my relationship with my best friend Elder R. I will always treasure them when they leave, and I will always treasure these memories.

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