Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Gift of the White Elephant Kind

One of my far favorite posts done by a blogger know as Cloud Watcher (Allie Tuttle) has to be her Missing Person post

It reads (sorry for just using your work Allie but I'm going to steal it okay? Okay):   " I'm sorry I abandoned you and grew up. Where did you go? "

This line struck me like a sore thumb. And knowing what I've done in the past. I'm going to write a response to her post hopefully she won't get offended at what I have written.

"I'm right here right beside you,
playing hide and seek right behind you.
You never lost track of me you just don't have enough time to play. I understand.
We all can't be playing all the time.

But you still make room for me. We're still the kid that we once were.

We'll forever be fighting alongside dragons and be casting magic spells on foolish beings that come in our path.

But there are times when I do hide. And you can barely find me. But I still give hints as to where I am

During class I'm always laughing and I'm always sketching and doodling.

And yet you say that you still can't find me. That's because you're using your mind to search outwardly. You're not using your heart to search inwardly. I'll always be there with you just holding onto your hand."

Allie you're a child at heart, and you never abandoned your self, you're just playing hide and seek.

But you're getting closer. Stay on this trail and you'll find that silly child again.

Thank you for all the laughs and thank you for being you

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I loved this so much! Thanks Gil.

    "We'll forever be fighting alongside dragons and be casting spells on the foolish brings that come in our path."
    Oh, that line! But this whole thing is fantastic!
