Monday, September 28, 2015

Prove Your love

This is in response to AliceLiddell Post: "Roxberry fixes everything.. Right?.." Please Note I don't have Turmoil, Hate, or anger towards this Blogger. I just read the last line of the post and I took it as a personal challenge to prove that I do love. To read the post here's the link:

You told me to prove that I love you? Then I'll do just that. I will prove to you that I did love you. 

I held you

I found you when you wanted to be alone

I chased after you

I let you have your fun

I told you a new story every night when you went to bed

I let you keep my jacket

I made sure that you were happy

I never yelled when you did

I took care of your tears when I could

I tried to make everything a surprise for you

When you had a nightmare, I was there to listen to you, to calm you down

I gave you what was precious and part of me, Something that gave me protection and comfort, when you asked for it, and I NEVER do that for anyone.

But you got mad at me when I didn't take care of all the little things that you did to see if I did love you

How can you ever say that I never loved you. I cried when I cut the string that we had. When you tried to reattach it. I said no, I was tired of the fighting. So I proved my self one one last time. When I let you go, I wished that you would find someone better than me.

But now I can see when you ask me to prove it now. To answer you I can't prove that I love you now, I've proved that I loved you, But I can't prove that I love you now. I found someone dear to me. Someone who, I know, won't question my love at every mistake that I do. Thank you Vwin for not Questioning My love.


  1. Still doesn't excuse you for treating her like shit now... You don't need to love someone to show them common decency. If you make plans with someone, don't blow them off. Don't lie and say you don't have plans. Don't think because you used to love her that it's alright for you to lie and hurt someone one more time. One thing you failed to mention is how she loved you. And you took it for granted. The human heart isn't something for you to use until you get bored. The pain you've caused is inexcusable. So I say this to you, go to Hell, because you've put someone I care about through it.

  2. I doughnut know what I just stumbled upon... Sounds intense. But hey nice writing sounds very personal, and I liked it a lot. but kinda sounded like you write it for Someone to read, not entirely ur own voice. That's prolly what the comments about. Hope ya work everything out and good luck to ya!

  3. I don't entirely know why but the line "I let you keep my jacket" really got to me and I was like oh dang. I guess it really struck a cord with me. As a girl with a boyfriend the fact he gave me his jacket was a huge deal to me. As a girl who has been through a break up it didn't really seem official until I gave his jacket back. I don't know what it is about jackets but to me they mean a lot in relationships and love.

    I hope you know how much you mean to me.

  4. Wow this is so strange because if the boy who my Roxberry post was about were to read my post and be upset about it, I feel that this is exactly how he would respond IF he was angry.

    Im not really sure why you hate me.

    Also I can't really tell if this post is really about me, or if my post sparked something that made you think about another person.

    But anyways, I thought this post was sad, but honest. And honestly it was good. So good, and it fit so well with mine that for a whole day I contemplated if you were my actually my ex-boyfriend or if it was just a coincidence that our stories fit so well together.

    But yah, you should let me know why you hate me and you should let me know if this post is you calling me out on something. Or calling someone else out on something that i reminded you of.

    1. This post isn't about you. I have no idea who you are. And trust me I do believe that I'm not your boyfriend. When I read your post it did spark something in me. Not hate, disgust, or malicious behavior, but a memory of my past. I've never bought anyone a Roxberry to make things better. But here I'll make a deal with you, And this deal right now is only to AliceLiddell. Email me. I'll tell you who I am, but remember, it's a two way street with emails. Plus I said I have no Hate or Turmoil against you at the beginning of this post this was just a realization.

    2. sorry meant to say Ex Boyfriend instead of Boyfriend. My mistake.

    3. Eh i don't think i really want to reveal yet. I just think its so crazy that our stories match up so perfectly

  5. Ok, so I think this has been figured out. Sorry for the harsh words. I, like Alice thought you were her ex boyfriend. And just a heads up, you forgot the "don't" when you were talking about anger/hate/turmoil, so that caused a fair bit of confusion. Again sorry for the things I said to you, though it's exactly what I would want to say to her ex.

    1. So let this be a lesson to me. Always double check my work before submitting it. I'm sorry for all of the confusion. And hey it's okay you were sticking up for a friend. Again I'm sorry for all of the confusion, And I have made the changes. Again Sorry. Hopefully no hard feelings.
