Sunday, September 20, 2015

Being different

Think differently with your life.

Whether that be the simple things or the hard things that you have to do.

Just small changes can let in so much opportunities in you're life

Most changes are good some are bad. But do something different.

Try that new food that you're mom put out in front of you.

Try the sport that your father has always talked about.

Listen to different music than you normally do.

Listen to your friends advice when they say that you can do it.

Find the lyrics to old songs that make you cry and cry even harder.

Find the old box of crayons and pull them out just to light them on fire.

You're no longer a kid.

You're something different than being a kid.

So do something different that makes you stand out from every one else

So be different.


  1. "Find the old box of crayons and pull them out just to light them on fire"

    i like this
