Thursday, September 24, 2015


As I looked in my phone all I see are names of people. Just people. And some times I've asked myself, "How many will come to me in my time of need? How many are there just because they're there? How many of these "friends" get annoyed at me because I want to see them again?" So far it's just come down to 2 to 3 friends and my family members, but even family members get busy. So I thank those who actually come to me when they know that I'm not alright. Thank you Vwin, thank you Elder R, thank you Victoria Winters. You guys mean so much too me.


  1. I think I found the same number.

    For real, I really related to this, thanks.

  2. We would always come to you Slender! Dude always ask!
    Plus I was halfway to school when you texted me, I'm sorry!

  3. Yeah just bout same numbers 2. Funny how relatable this is and kinda sad:/
