Sunday, October 18, 2015

What does it mean...

What does it mean to be alive?

Some people say that to be alive means that all you need is a pulse and breath in your lungs.

If that what's makes alive then what does it mean to be dead?

To some it means not moving, not having a heartbeat. Not breathing.

I say different to both. To be alive means to be active, to speak, to be able to talk

To be dead... means to be shut off from the world to have destroyed the link of friends and replace it with darkness.

There is something behind these homicides. It's not a huge thing. Something small that we all carry with us.

Sure it can help us with our day to day lives, but it kills us within everyone's eyes.

It might seem like we're living, but we're really just lifeless corpses walking around looking down at this serial killer saying it will be alright.

They says it'll be alright, but I've lost contact with friends, the only true time I see them is when I walk down the halls. I keep the killer hidden and talk to them make plans with them.

And sometimes get killed on the days of the plans saying that I'm busy last minute, and them I'm doing nothing but looking at that bright face grievously smiling at me knowing that they had killed me just a little bit me.

But then we have our rescuers, the ones that actually come to our aid, bringing us back alive. Taking us out into parks and to grab a late night hamburgers, to make sure that we aren't lost to this killer with it's call so sweet.

Please be a Rescuer, don't let anyone truly die to this immortal killer.

I want to be see the world alive again, not just people, they don't just kill us, they destroy the laughter of the earth, replacing it with LMAO and LOLS.

Rescue the people, thus rescuing the Earth.


  1. Rescue the people, thus rescuing the Earth."
    Last line!

  2. Whoa. You're making me question if I'm alive or not by your definitons. Great post!!
