Whether, they be big hats or little hats.
We all are wearing one right now as you're reading this.
Even if you think that I'm crazy and you're saying in your heads, "This Blogger is a joke I'm not wearing a Hat at all!"
Well you just put on a different hat.
A Prideful hat.
We all have hats that we pt on in order to feel accepted. To feel wanted
There are the hats that we put on our selves and Masks that we put on each other.
Masks are different from hats.
Mask we put on others that we don't understand.
The Mask of, "That guy is a jerk", when he was only stepping up for his sister.
The Mask of, "She's so Popular", when she's insecure about if she has any friends in the world.
Hats and Masks are hard to get rid of, they stay whether you want them to or not.
But if we could just remove the masks. then wearing the hats will be easier on all of us.

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