Monday, September 28, 2015
Prove Your love
I'm going to be the one in charge of this show. No longer will I be moved into place of what I will do. Either I'm going to be the puppeteer or I'm cutting off the strings that hold me up. And I know my current master will not let me take control of my Cross that easily.
So I'm cutting these stupid tangled up strings. If I fall than I fall freely.
Finally free from these Parasite Strings.
Finally free from this Birdcage of a Stage.
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Error: File Corruption: Please Prove that You are a Human
But there is something that proves me real. It's that I have something to CARE ABOUT! When I see a tear, I treat that sad stare into a happy smile. That I laugh when others laugh. To care what others care about. To be able to share about how I feel about her. To be able to love somebody. I believe that I have a heart, but all I hear is something ticking. But that ticking is something that I love. But there is nothing I love more than someone smiling.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Sometimes You Just Need to Cry
Let the tears flow, I won't judge, sometimes you just need to cry.
All of the time we say we're fine when in reality we aren't. We don't want to burden those with our own troubles.
Well what if I want to cry. What if I want to shout out these feeling of neglect and of sorrow.
There are times when saying you're alright isn't alright. Saying those words by who lie about their feelings makes me beg the question even more. A question I don't know how to answer. Because I want to tell you what I'm feeling.
But I'm not the patient, I'm the therapist.
Having to hold all of this in. Wanting to scream out my heart and wanting to just leave it all behind. Trying to escape when all I'm trying to look for is something that will making me happy. Not knowing where to turn to. Hoping that someone will reach out a hand and know when I'm lying about my feelings.
Hoping for these damn tears to leave my eyes. To leave my life.
But the never will.
But hey sometimes it's good to cry.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Being different
Whether that be the simple things or the hard things that you have to do.
Just small changes can let in so much opportunities in you're life
Most changes are good some are bad. But do something different.
Try that new food that you're mom put out in front of you.
Try the sport that your father has always talked about.
Listen to different music than you normally do.
Listen to your friends advice when they say that you can do it.
Find the lyrics to old songs that make you cry and cry even harder.
Find the old box of crayons and pull them out just to light them on fire.
You're no longer a kid.
You're something different than being a kid.
So do something different that makes you stand out from every one else
So be different.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Give Back The Crayons
Instead of a world of stress,
Let us go back to having recess after lunch,
Instead of having to get back on the phone to complete the sale,
Life was much better,
With our eyes filled with dreams,
Life was filled with adventure,
With our rocket ships in the sky,
Life is now boring,
Having to clock in from 9 till 5,
Life is now just bland,
Having to do paper work instead of color pages,
If you get to see the hope in a child's eye's,
Don't just trample on their hopes and say, "It's not possible",
If you get to look at their faces filled with dreams,
Don't just look at them realizing that it will all be for not,
Join Them,
Pick up your Crayons and start to draw knight battling a fierce monster,
Go back and watch the shows that you used to watch
Pick up your Snacks and eat them as a child would,
Go back to imaginary best friend and go on a crazy adventure,
Give Back The Crayons!
And if No one gives them back take them back,
Give Back The Dream Filled Eyes of Adventure!
And if You can't see it through your eyes see it through a child's
If you think all is lost with your childhood,
Then think again,
If you think you can't go and have fun,
Then think harder,
But sometimes you're right,
You might not want your crayons anymore,
But sometimes you realize
You might have a child of your own,
So give them more crayons then they know what to do with,
Help them come up with a story for each toy,
So give them a parent who isn't afraid to have fun,
Help them enjoy life and how to have fun,
So share your crayons,
Not on a iPad or an Android,
But on a piece of paper,
For that's the best way to have fun.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
The Day You Read This
"On this day, you read something that moved you and made you realize there were no more fears to fear. No more tears to cry. No head to hang in shame. That every time that you thought you'd offended someone, it was all just in your head and really, they love you with all their heart and nothing will ever change that. That everyone and everything lives on inside you. That that doesn't make any of it any less real.
That soft touches will change you and stay with you longer than hard ones.
That being alone means you're free. That old lovers miss you and new lovers want you and the one you're with is the one you're meant to be with. That the tingles running down your arms are angel feathers and they whisper in you ear, constantly, if you choose to hear them. That everything you want to happen, will happen, if you decide you want it enough. That every time you think a sad thought, you can think a happy one instead.
That you control that completely.
That the people who make you laugh are more beautiful than beautiful people. That you laugh more than you cry. That crying is good for you. That the people you hate wish you would stop and you so too.
That your friends are reflections of the best part of you. That you are more than the sum total of things you know and how you react to them. That dancing is sometimes more important than listening to the music.
That the most embarrassing, awkward moments of your life are only remembered by you and no one else. That no one judges you when you walk into a room and all they really want to know, is if you're judging them. That what you make and what you do with your time is more important than you'll ever fathom and should be treated as such. That the difference between a job and art is passion. That neither defines who you are. That talking to strangers is how you make friends.
That bad days end but a smile can go around the world. That life contradicts itself, constantly. That that's why it's worth living.
That the difference between pain and love is time. that love is only real as you want it to be, That if you feel good, you look good but it doesn't always work the other way around.
That the sun will rise each day and it's up to you each day if you match it. That nothing matters up until this point. That what you decide now, in this moment, will change the future. Forever. That rain is beautiful
And so are you."
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Hats and Masks
Whether, they be big hats or little hats.
We all are wearing one right now as you're reading this.
Even if you think that I'm crazy and you're saying in your heads, "This Blogger is a joke I'm not wearing a Hat at all!"
Well you just put on a different hat.
A Prideful hat.
We all have hats that we pt on in order to feel accepted. To feel wanted
There are the hats that we put on our selves and Masks that we put on each other.
Masks are different from hats.
Mask we put on others that we don't understand.
The Mask of, "That guy is a jerk", when he was only stepping up for his sister.
The Mask of, "She's so Popular", when she's insecure about if she has any friends in the world.
Hats and Masks are hard to get rid of, they stay whether you want them to or not.
But if we could just remove the masks. then wearing the hats will be easier on all of us.